SupplyCompass Platform — Product Development

SupplyCompass — a product development and order management platform designed for better collaboration between fashion brands and their manufacturers

Flora Davidson
4 min readFeb 15, 2023

Creating collections is a dynamic and collaborative process.

For software to be successfully implemented and adopted by teams throughout the design and product development process, it must understand how creative teams work and reflect the flow of the creative process.

It must be simple, visual and intuitive.

Visualise the flow of the product development process, collaborate on styles together, and work from wherever.

“ It just simplifies the creative process. You give some- thing to your factory in a really concise way, that’s easy to digest. If you’re sending tech packs after tech packs every season, it’s easy to miss a certain com- ponent or a certain element. If you don’t keep a con- sistent format, the factory will miss things. Whereas in SupplyCompass, when you’re picking a fabric or a component, you’re not just scrolling down numbers or text, there’s a picture and a library attached. It’s almost idiot proof and impossible to get wrong.”

— Orlagh McCloskey, Co-Founder, Rixo

Real-time collaboration

Many people need to build on and modify product information simultaneously. It’s also not just the design team, but buying, production, merchandise, and suppliers too who all need to access and work on different parts of the product development process

Manage the building blocks for styles in libraries

Colours, trims, materials, and prints, from every collection, are automatically saved to libraries. Search, filter and reuse easily. Makes creating styles fast, and thanks to linked cards, make changes to one style and updates are reflected across all linked styles.

Material, Colour, Trim, Block, and file libraries

Standardised data fields make searching, filtering and managing information easier.

Rapid, collaborative tech pack creation

Create and collaborate on professional tech packs easily. Choose from a visual board layout with large thumbnails, or Page View to see all style information in one glance.

Page view for all style information in a single scroll

Tech packs are connected to sample status and style comments so you don’t lose track of key conversations.

Build tech packs collaboratively together — build in minutes using libraries

Inside a material card

Download tech packs in excel or .pdf. Download all additional files like hi-res print files separately as a .zip

Tech pack excel download

Image Editing

Edit any image within the platform. Annotate, crop, free draw, add layers…and much more!

Image editor built into tech packs for both the designer and the supplier

Get the perfect fit

Upload your core blocks via our .csv uploader and clone styles to use the same fit again and again. Keep track of fit rounds within the tech pack via the Fit History tab.

Set your sample size, grade and easily see which factory measurements are out of tolerance with auto-highlighting. Keep track of the samples you requested and make it clear to your factory what’s new with highlighted proposed measurements.

Single or bulk approve or reject measurements and track every fit comment you’ve ever made alongside each Point of Measure.

Fit feedback within the tech pack

We designed a flow to make it easy to give feedback to a bunch of styles during fit sessions with the option to feedback at a sample order, project or collection level too.

Photograph, drag and drop feedback images, annotate and add comments together.

